
My creative nonfiction and academic writing has appeared at the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Chronicle of Higher EducationReligion Dispatches, and in academic journals such as the Journal of Religion and the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion.

feather pen with line of writing; creative nonfiction and academic writing

Some of my current projects include: Holy Darkness (working title), a collection of essays about the December holidays from the perspective of an interfaith Jewish/progressive Christian family. Aiming for both wisdom and humor, the essays aim to bring the light of humor, joy, and spirit to the darkest time of year.

A second project looks at the longer history of religious practices in Unitarian Universalism and its cousins in religious liberalism. I trace a line from progressive Christian origins in the early-mid nineteenth century to inclusion of ideas from “the world’s religions” by the end of the nineteenth century. Finally, the work links this development to the rise of religious “nones” and the spiritual-but-not-religious today.

Book Chapters and Edited Contributions

(as seen pictured in the image above)

Editorial Contributor to A New Collection of Unitarian Universalist Primary Sources, edited by Dan McKanan, published by Skinner House Books.

“Jenkin Lloyd Jones and All Souls Church,” for the Newberry Library’s digital exhibit “Faith in the City: Chicago’s Religious Diversity, 1893.”

“‘Citizens of All the World’s Temples’: Cosmopolitan Religion at Bell Street Chapel,” in American Religious Liberalism, edited by Leigh E. Schmidt and Sally M. Promey. Indiana University Press, 2012.

Academic Journal Articles

“Comparative Religions and the Practice of Eclecticism: Intersections in Nineteenth-Century Liberal Religious Congregations.” The Journal of Religion, Fall 2013.

“Feminist Forerunners and a Usable Past: A Historiography of Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s The Woman’s Bible.Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol. 25, no. 2, Fall 2009.

Creative Non-Fiction, Essays and Prose

–– At Los Angeles Review of Books ––

The Left Hand of Darkness in Light of #MeToo

–– At Killing the Buddha ––

When Wax Softens, Light Shines Through,” Killing the Buddha, December 13, 2018

Seeing Directly through the Clouds,” Killing the Buddha, August 24, 2017

The Endless Watch,” Killing the Buddha, November 29, 2016

Showering in Eden,” Killing the Buddha, May 21, 2015

–– At Chronicle Vitae ––

Purging My Scholarly MemorabiliaChronicle Vitae, December 13, 2016

Alt-Ac or Bust!Chronicle Vitae, February 25, 2015

–– Kveller.com ––

Why Choosing Love Didn’t Mean Choosing Conversion For Me

My Family Celebrates Both Passover And Easter. This Is How

–– Other ––

The ‘Nones’ are Here… And Have Been for Over 100 Years,” Religion Dispatches, January 13, 2015.

UU scholars exchange ideas at San Diego gathering,” UU World, Spring 2015.

Book Reviews

A Luminous Brotherhood: Afro-Creole Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans, by Emily Suzanne Clark. In The Journal of Unitarian Universalist History.

Coded Letters, Concealed Love: The Larger Lives of Harriet Freeman and Edward Everett Hale, by Sarah Day. In The Journal of Unitarian Universalist History.

Faith in the Great Physician: Suffering and Divine Healing in American Culture, 1860-1900, by Heather D. Curtis, in Practical Matters: A Transdisciplinary Multimedia Journal Of Religious Practices And Practical Theology, Issue I, Spring 2009.

Blog Contributions

Don’t forget to take a look at my blog!

Regular blogger at InterfaithFamily Network