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Many years ago at a graduate school party, I was crowned the “Queen of the Pie.” At the early-December gathering, guests had been invited to bring their savory or sweet pie of choice. Three guests—friends of the host, no doubt—served as judges, and took small slices of each pie (there must have been at least […]
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Welcome to a new occasional series on my blog, “How We Write With Care.” In this series, I’m asking writers of all types—fiction, nonfiction, poetry, creative writing, etc.—to share their thoughts on writing as an act of care: how can writing show care for the world, or care for self? How can we as writers […]
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This past weekend, Mother’s Day brought up any number of emotions for so many of us. Perhaps joy, maybe grief or disappointment, perhaps hope. I led the morning service and gave the sermon at the North Short Unitarian Church outside Chicago, and offered the following words for mothers and the other nurturers in our lives. […]
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