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This past weekend, Mother’s Day brought up any number of emotions for so many of us. Perhaps joy, maybe grief or disappointment, perhaps hope. I led the morning service and gave the sermon at the North Short Unitarian Church outside Chicago, and offered the following words for mothers and the other nurturers in our lives. […]
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What do the stories that most deeply inform our lives tell us about religion and how we approach the sacred? What if these don’t line up with formal religion?
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This weekend, I’ll be attending the Women’s March on Washington. Admist the preparation and the conversation and the planning that has ensued, I’ve, of course, been thinking about #whyImarch. Thinking about the number of sister marches around the country, and even the world: 616 and counting as of this writing, with over 1.3 million people […]
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I remember the first time I realized September 11th had become an event that would fade out of active memory and into the pages of history books, when one day, people would no longer say, “I remember where I was when September 11th happened.” I was teaching the “contemporary” half of a United States history class, […]
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