50,000 Words in November

I don’t have time to join the month-long write-a-thon known fondly as NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, but I’m doing so anyway. Between my full-time day job and my full-time mom-job, writing is certainly pushed to the margins. But I’ve resisted the siren call of NaNoWriMo for two years now, and this year, am jumping into the fray.

You may ask what I’m writing about: for now, let’s just say it’s in the memoir genre, and is an experience in search of a story. Yes, I’ll be writing by the seat of my pants, rather than from a carefully structured outline! I’m a full believer in revising shitty drafts, writing to find what you want to say, writing to make it real, writing to make it make sense. I’ll get there, hopefully with 50,000 words by the end of November, and eventually — long past November —  it may all make sense.

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